Did you know? At NTACT Operations, we not only have EPC expertise to perform oil and gas projects but also the development of Renewable facilities including:
· Landfill Gas (LFG) Processing
· Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)/Biogas Processing
· Solar Power Generation
· Geothermal Power Generation
NTACT elevates its client’s ESG platform through these types of projects so that they can be the best corporate citizens they can be. NTACT works with client partners to identify opportunities to integrate brownfield renewable initiatives and develop greenfield renewable applications where possible.
So let’s dive deeper into Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Facilities…
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as biomethane or bio-synthetic natural gas is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. RNG is produced from organic waste materials, such as agricultural residues, food waste, wastewater, and landfill gas, through a process known as anaerobic digestion or biomass gasification. This sustainable energy source offers several environmental and economic benefits. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of renewable natural gas, exploring the production process and the elements included in the RNG facility.
What is Renewable Natural Gas?
Renewable Natural Gas is essentially a form of methane gas, the primary component of traditional natural gas. However, what sets RNG apart is its renewable origin. RNG is produced from organic sources that continuously replenish themselves. By capturing and utilizing methane emitted from decaying organic matter, RNG helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, converting a potent greenhouse gas into a valuable energy resource.
Renewable Natural Gas Production Process
Anaerobic Digestion
One of the primary methods to produce RNG is through anaerobic digestion. This process involves breaking down organic materials in an oxygen-free environment, typically carried out in large, sealed tanks calls anaerobic digesters. Microorganisms break down the organic matter, releasing methane gas as a byproduct.
Biomass Gasification
Another method involved biomass gasification, where a high-temperature reaction converts organic waste into a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane. These syngas can then be purified, with methane separated and further processed to meet pipeline-quality standards.
Key Components of an RNG Facility
1. Organic Feedback Collection
RNG Facilities start with the collection of organic waste feedstock from various sources such as agricultural farms, food processing plants, municipal wastewater treatment plants, and landfills. Efficient feedstock collection and transportation are essential to ensure a steady supply of raw materials.
2. Pre-treatment and Cleaning systems
The collected organic waste goes through a pre-treatment process to remove contaminants like plastics, metals, and other non-organic materials. Cleaning systems help to purify the biogas generated during the anaerobic digestion process, ensuring a higher methane content and meeting pipeline standards.
3. Anaerobic Digesters and Gasification Units
These are the heart of the RNG Facility. Anaerobic digesters or gasification units provide a controlled environment where microorganisms or thermal reactions break down the organic feedback to produce biogas or syngas, respectively.
4. Gas Upgrading System
The biogas or syngas produced in the anaerobic digesters or gasification units contains impurities, including carbon dioxide, moisture, and other trace gases. The gas upgrading system removes these impurities, increasing the methane concentration to meet the required RNG standards.
5. Compression and Injection
After upgrading, the RNG is compressed to enhance its energy density and facilitate transportation. It is then injected into the existing natural gas infrastructure, seamlessly blending the conventional natural gas and contributing to the renewable energy mix.
Renewable Natural Gas presents a promising solution for diversifying our energy sources. Embracing RNG as part of our energy portfolio can lead us closer to a more sustainable future. Contact NTACT before starting your next project, let’s elevate your ESG effort.
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPC) – Renewable Natural Gas: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/renewable-natural-gas
2. Canadian Gas Association – Renewable Natural Gas:
3. European Biogas Association – Biomethane and ENG: https://european-biogas.edu/biomethane/
4. World Biogas Association – Biogas and RNG: https://www.worldbiogasassociation.org/biogas/what-is-biogas/
5. California Air Resources Board (CARB) – Renewable Natural Gas in California: https://ww2.arb.ca.gove/resources/documents/renewable-natural-gas-california-1
Canadian Biogas Association – RNG in Canada: https://biogasassociation.ca/renewable-natural-gas-rng